Prayer Chain
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Gilroy

St. Stephen's Prayer Chain

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Gilroy has been blessed by the faithful members of its Prayer Chain. They pray regularly for all the needs that have been presented to them, as well as for our entire church family. We believe that we are drawn closer as a community in Gilroy, and strengthened in our common ministry through our daily prayers and the prayers of those on the Prayer Chain.

There are many members of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Gilroy who are committed to prayer for the concerns given to Fr. Ernie or Debra DeGroot. Prayer requests are sent to each member of the Prayer Chain, and each Sunday the all prayer requests are incorporated into the prayers of the people during our worship services. These concerns are lifted to the Lord daily. We in turn have witnessed many answered prayers and add those thanksgivings to our daily prayers.

If you are not presently a member of our Prayer Chain and would like to be, just email Debra DeGroot with your request to join the Prayer Chain. Anyone who wishes to join is welcome, and any new concerns may be added at any time.

To ask for prayer, please fill out the Prayer Request Form or send an email to Debra.