Check Out Our New Website
If you’re reading this than you already know about our new, up-dated website. Either that, or you simply found your way to the website but didn’t know that it has been completely redone. Either way, please take a few minutes to check it out.
Start with the “Home” page. It begins with a photo of our lovely stained-glass windows. Below that you will find a welcome to the church and three of the most recent sermons, which you can now either watch as a video (just click the picture), or read as text. Scroll down further and you will find some basic contact information for the church.
Next move to the “About” page, which you can click to bring up a “drop-down” menu with two options. The first option is “The People of St. Stephen’s.” This is one of my favorite pages, because it includes a number of pictures of the folks of St. Stephen’s doing what we do — laughing, worshiping, praying, celebrating and enjoying each other’s company, and of course helping others. Next on the drop-down menu is “Who We Are,” a description of the church and our community.
Following this is the “Services” tab. You may find this useful because it has links to all the church’s Zoom services. All you have to do is click the tab to be taken right to the Zoom service you want. After that is the “Sermon” tab, which will eventually include all the old sermons going back to when I first began to record them in the early days of Covid. As always, you may either watch them on video or read the text.
Another useful tab is the “News and Calendar.” That is where you are now as you are reading this. Please check this out often, because I plan to have regular updates of that is new and interesting at St. Stephen’s. Also, this is where you will find the church’s events calendar. Here you can see all the scheduled events for months ahead. If you want more information about any single event, simply scroll over item in question to get more details.
Also great is the “Community Corner” page. This includes “The Poetry of God’s World” with the beautiful poems of our very own Brenda Cherami along with “The Rector’s Corner” with posts by me. Just click on the photograph below Brenda’s picture to bring up the most recent poem.
I particularly love the page for “The Resource Center” too. This includes great photos of the Resource Center in action as well as moving testimonials from a few of the many people it serves.
It’s also important to know about the “Prayers and Readings” page. Here again there is a drop-down menu that gives you three options. The first is “Daily Readings.” This gives you links to each week’s Sunday readings as well as daily readings for those who are looking for something to help them with their daily devotions. Then there’s a direct link the prayer chain and Debra Degroot’s email so that you can request prayers at any time. A third page allows you to contact me with prayer requests or other messages. This is repeated on the “Contacts” page, which also includes a map and directions to the church.
One last thing, please notice the “Donate” tab on the upper right corner of every page. If you click this it will allow you to make a contribution using either your credit card or PayPal. The money goes directly into our bank account and is always very much appreciated. We have to pay a small fee for this service, but you have the option of covering that cost if you so desire.
That’s it. I think the website does a good job in both presenting who we are to those who don’t know St. Stephen’s as well as offering important information to those of us who are already here. This is a website that is meant to be used. Please check it often. Also, you can help the church by telling others about it. Please consider sending the link to friends and family. I’m certain that they will all be interested to learn a little about the church you attend.
Remember: the more people who know about our website, the more people there are who will know about St. Stephen’s. And St. Stephen’s is a church that deserves to be widely known. We’ve got something special here. We want others to hear about it.
Please help us in this and spread the word :)